this summer has been great, but the fall semester is right around the corner. to be honest, i'm a little excited about it. i know that i'll soon regret saying that but i've been a bit bored with work and lounging. i picked up a few school essentials on tax free weekend to save a few pennies.
i always buy a 3 inch binder for school. this is because i love keeping all of my subjects in one place. some may argue that it's a bit of a hassle to carry around a heavy binder, but i don't mind it. i find it to be quite convenient and i never forget anything.
i couldn't go through the school year without a 3-hole punch. the one i have is from walmart and i believe i paid about 8 dollars for it. let me tell you, it is my holy grail product for the school year! it's nice to be able to place and organize all of your handouts into your binder instead of stuffing papers in random places.
i always have red pens in order to check my work during class if need be. it's easy to learn from errors when they're clearly corrected in red. also, "clicky" pens are a must-have as well. this way you aren't losing pen caps everywhere or getting ink all over your school bag. highlighters are also great to draw attention to key information in your notes. that's a pretty obvious one, but i'll mention it anyway.
this year, i bought a 5 subject notebook. if i don't need to carry my giant binder around, i can easily throw this into my school bag and then transfer my notes into my binder later. if you don't like this idea, you can just buy loose-leaf paper. don't forget your subject dividers!
i rarely use an agenda, but i'm thinking i might try an commit to one this year. we'll see.
an agenda is always my first back to school item i would be so lost without it! everything that is important is written down. a three hole punch is a must! you don't want papers floating around possibility getting lost and i love the idea of a red pen to correct your work i use the same color maybe i would have done better in school if i have a red pen...
Neat post... wanna follow each other =)
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